
Key actions to implement a sucessful as-a-service solution

By: Amplio
Updated: juni 19, 2024

Here are key actions to implement a sucessful as-a-service solution

Have you considered the necessary steps to successfully transition from traditional product sales to a successful as-a-service solution?

Amplio offers support and expertise, as well as an integrated rental solution.

Educate the salesforce

A highlighted challenge linked to Product-as-a-service (PaaS) relates to the difficulty of selling services. This is due to the change in relationship between PaaS-provider and customer where the seller acts as an advisor more than a seller, demanding a capability of relationship building for the seller. One of the possible actions to solve this challenge is to let the salespeople work with the service technicians as they are the focal point in the PaaS-model and meet the customer frequently. This also gives the salesforce a better understanding of the product.

Prove the advantages with as-a-service solution

When introducing PaaS, it is of high importance for the organization to understand the PaaS-offering, since it is a new way of creating value for customers. An understanding of PaaS internally will also make it easier to convince investors and it will ease up the internal inertia that often comes with large-scale changes. This can be done via internal education where the managers play an important role in delivering the message in the organization.

It is also of high importance to get the customer to understand the advantages with a PaaS-solution. To do this, the PaaS-provider should help the customer with calculations of TCO and with those show the superiority of PaaS compared to product-oriented business models. The circular benefits of a PaaS-model with the possibility to control the aftermarket is another strong point to make for the customer.

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